Monday, February 18, 2008


I want a slice so bad, but I have a Silhouette that I have yet to use. But this is so cute and looks so much easier to use. I haven't pre ordered yet, but I want one!!!! My scrapbooking addicted personality has to have one. PPPPPPPPlllllllllllllleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzee.

Onto other news, the kids are both sick with sinus infections. Allison hopefully has the depression under control. She is now on the same medication as me and maybe, she won't be at the same dosage as me. Michael now has the cough I had 2 weeks ago, and the one Allison still has. He really doesn't need to get sick.

Still need to finish the pages I did 1 month ago when I went to Louisville for the crop across america. This weekend I will finish and post some of the better ones.

Keep warm and thanks for coming.

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